: Show help
: Invite link
or ?? about
: Bot info
: Thank you for all your support~
- You can also use ??help < command name >
to get info about command.
E.g: ??help set welcome
- Every command needs 2-3s to cooldown. Please do not spam!
- If you get an error, type ??feedback < the image path for that error or description about that error>
Default prefix: ??
or bot mention
Phantasy Star Online 2 - PSO2
??pso2 info
: Game Info
??pso2 weapon
or ??pso2 w
: Check weapon's info
??pso2 unit
or ??pso2 u
: Check weapon's info
??pso2 ssa
: Check SSA
??pso2 abi
or ??pso2 a
: Check abilities
Commands are not available or not working properly
??pso2 event
: Show events of the week
??pso2 eq
: Show EQ in next 3 hours
??pso2 item
or ??pso2 i
: Search for items
??pso2 itemimage
or ??pso2 ii
: Search for item and the result will have items picture (if available)
??pso2 price
or ??pso2 p
: Check item price, quite outdated
??pso2 seteq
: Set EQ alert channel
??pso2 unseteq
: Unset EQ alert channel
??pso2 checkeq
: Display EQ schedule for the next 3 hours
??pso2 alertme
: Take/remove EQ alert role, if applicable
Note: Data taken from Arks-Visiphone and DB Kakia
Honkai Impact 3rd - HI3
??hi3 w
or ??hi3 weap
: Search for weapons.
??hi3 s
or ??hi3 stigma
: Search for stigmas
??hi3 ls
: Search for stigma
??hi3 ms
: Search for stigma
Info about game:
- Download game: (CHPlay: Sea Server)
- Discord HI3:
Commands are not available or not working properly
??hi3 v
or ??hi3 valk
: Search for basic info of Valk
┗ skill
: show valk's skill
┗ suggest
: suggest equip for valk
Genshin Impact - GI
??g w
or ??g weap
: Search for weapons.
??g a
or ??hi3 artifact
: Search for artifact
Server/Guild Commands
Server management
or ??unset
┗ welcome
: Set/remove welcome channel
┗ welcomemessage
: Set/remove welcome message
┗ autorole
: Set/remove auto role for new member
: Mute a member in current channel
: Ban a member from current channel
: Give a member "Muted" role if exists
: Remove "Muted" role from a member
: Kick member
: Ban member
: Unban member
or ??purge : Delete messages
or ??botpermissions : Display bot's permissions (+)
r or ??userpermissions : Display user's permissions (+)
┗ empty
: Remove all selfroles
┗ list
: Display server selfrole pool
┗ < role's name >
: Get/remove role in the list (+)
┗ add
: Add an existed role to selfrole pool
┗ remove
: Remove a role from selfrole pool
: Display server info (+)
: Display role info (+)
Disable / Enable command
Disable/Enable commands for your server
??disable server command/except name
: Disable command(s) in your server. When using this command, noone can use commands which are disable, even you - owner server - in server??disable server command all
: to disable ALL bot's commands in your server??disable server command slap
: to disable commandslap
in your server.??disable server command slap, haha, serverinfo
: to disable commandsslap
in your server.??disable server except slap
: to disable ALL commands, exceptslap
in your server.??disable server except slap, haha, serverinfo
:to disable ALL commands, exceptslap
in your server.
Disable/Enable commands for some channels in your server
??disable channel command/except name
: Disable command(s) in channel(s). When using this command, noone can use command which is disable, even you - owner server - in that channel??disable server command all
: to disable ALL bot's commands in the channel you choose??disable server command slap
: to disable commandslap
in the channel you choose??disable server command slap, haha, serverinfo
: to disable commandsslap
in the channel you choose??disable server except slap
: to disable ALL commands, exceptslap
in the channel you choose.??disable server except slap, haha, serverinfo
: to disable ALL commands, exceptslap
in the channel you choose
Enable is the same as Disable
Note: (+): Not manager can use
Meme Type 1: meme list by me, can use in all server which Tantanyan is in.
Please use ??help m
to see list meme
Meme Type 2: Config your own meme list on your server.
Please use ??help meme
for more infomation
Other commands
: Make a poll. Use ??help poll
to see how to use
or ??user
or ??info
: Show user info
: T̽̊͟A̴̵̳D̙̾͡A͈͉ͫ҉̴́ͨ
??avatar o
: Show user's avatar.
: Make bot say something
: Make bot say something, but delete command
: Translation some text to English
: Translate text to other languages.
E.g: ??translate japanese cute
: Search video on Youtube
: Flip some text.
: Choose random
: pong
: Flip some text
or ??texttoimage
: Send an image with text written in Anime Ace font
: Slap someone with their avatar
: Gives the user a 'Let Me Google That For You'' link
: Shorting some url