Sky Breaker

ATK: 298 / CRT: 17

Rift of the Heavens [SP: 20][CD: 18s]
Attacks hit surrounding enemies multiple times, dealing a total of 400% ATK of Physical DMG. Last hit impairs enemies, reducing their DEF by 70% for 6.00s.

Divine Penalty
Upon ultimate evasion or when being hit, summon a bolt of lightning that strikes the attacker to deal 150% ATK of Lightning DMG in a small AOE and paralyzing enemies for 3.0s. CD: 10s. Attacks against impaired or paralyzed enemies gain 15% Total DMG Multiplier.

VN Name: Khai Thiên Kiếm
CN Name: 开天剑

Description: A sword forged by Schicksal using inscriptions on a stele found in the Nine Realms. The sword has the power to rival the Pantheon-series weapons. Unfortunately, Schicksal was unable to decipher the rest of the writing.
