Frozen Naraka

ATK: 409 / CRT: 35

Utpala Aura [SP: 0][CD: 25s]
Generates a 12s Field that moves with the wielder. In the AOE, the wielder gains Ignore Interrupt and 50% Total DMG Reduction. Enemies in AOE take 25.0% more Ice DMG and gradually lose Movement Speed and ATK Speed till they freeze. Tap the Weapon Skill button again to unleash a Special ATK (1 time per Field) that deals 300% + 800% ATK of Ice DMG against enemies in front. CD starts only after the Field disappears.

Frigid Incense
Wielder deals 45% Elemental more Ice DMG.

Glacial Bane
Gain 1 charge per 5s. Next hit deals 150% ATK of Ice DMG against the target and nearby enemies, slowing their ATK speed and Move Speed by 40% for 6.0s (slow effect does not work on enemies within the Active Skill's AOE). Goushinnso Memento equip bonus: Provides 200 more kinetic energy and 4.0 SP.

VN Name: Ngự Linh Đao Hàn Ngục Băng Thiên
CN Name: 御灵刀 寒狱冰天

Description: A frost-encased Soulium katana of ice. Historical records indicate that it used to belong to a warrior under the Previous Era organization known as the Moth Who Chases the Flames. However, the katana was lost over the years. Hardly any records mention this warrior. The Director of Schicksal's St 1503 Labs is the only one investigating the secrets of this weapon.

Note: upgrade from Ice Epiphyllum