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Stop updating from June 9, 2024
Ranger's Laser
ATK: 238 / CRT: 16
Heat Discharge [SP: 14][CD: 30s]
For the next 11s, character attacks gain 12% Physical DMG but has 60% slower Move Speed. Buff also cancels distance-based damage reduction of the weapon.Thermal Laser
Fires a beam that continuously damages targets along a straight path. Continuous firing will overheat the weapon. Closer enemies take more DMG. DMG is maximized at a range within 3 meters. Upon Ultimate Evasion, resets heat gauge. Character gains 50% Attack Speed for 2s. Skill effect triggers once every 8.0s.[Ranger]
Character takes 20% less DMG. If other teammates are equipped with [Ranger] series weapons, then Ultimate Evasion also recovers 2 SP.
VN Name: Ranger Laser
CN Name: 游骑兵激光
Description: This weapon once belonged to Charia, a member of the Twilight Valkyrie Squad that once operated in Siberia. Charia was responsible for fire support, and regrets failing the entire squad in the battle against Sumo, an Emperor-class Honkai beast.