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Stop updating from June 9, 2024
Project Bunny 19C
ATK: 287 / CRT: 19
Quantum Outbreak
Killing an enemy has a 60% chance for the character to gain 75% Physical DMG for 3s.Anti-Material Beam
Rapid-fire weapon that deals continuous DMG to targets along a straight line of fire. Continuous firing will overheat the weapon. Closer enemies take more DMG. DMG is maximized at a range within 3 meters. Attacks against mob enemies gain 60% Total DMG Multiplier.
VN Name: Thỏ Áo Giáp 19C
CN Name: 重装小兔19C
Description: A heavy Honkai energy weapon produced by the Mikoyan Design Bureau. The structure is exactly the same as Bronya's Project Bunny 19C. Where exactly did Global Snake obtain the related data...?