Eos Gloria

ATK: 287 / CRT: 21

Aurora Domina [SP: 0] [CD: 25 seconds]
Launches a thrust attack, dealing 50% ATK of Physical DMG. If the thrust hits an enemy who is not in Invincibility or Iron Body state, then unleashes Throw ATK, controlling the target and dealing 90% ATK of Physical DMG + 1500% ATK of Fire DMG. While an enemy is launching certain moves, the wielder can unleash a counter strike Throw with no restrictions when the weapon skill button flashes to control the enemy and deal 20% ATK of Physical DMG + 800.0% ATK of Fire DMG, this attack has no CD. When this Throw hits the target, generates an 1ls Flame Aura centering around the wielder, which makes nearby enemies take 15.0% more Fire DMG and deals Fire DMG equal to 35% of the wielder's ATK against them every 0.5s.

Fiery Cleansing
When hitting an enemy with Basic ATKs or Charged ATKs, the wielder gains 4.00% Fire DMG for 8.Os; this buff stacks up to 10 times, each stack's duration is independent of others'. When hitting an enemy with Ultimate or Throw ATKs, the wielder immediately gains 10 stacks of the buff.

VN Name: Ánh Sáng Bình Minh
CN Name: 晨曦荣辉

