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Stop updating from June 9, 2024
Dumpling Wrapper
ATK: 231 / CRT: 10
Leaf-wrapped Rice
Whenever any team member attacks an enemy with reduced Move Speed or Attack Speed, heal for 25.0 HP. Triggers once every 5s.Sticky Rice Cannon
Light-weight cannon with short charging time. Basic attacks have 30% less Total DMG Multiplier. - 1st Sequence: Single shot. - 2nd Sequence: Empowered double shot. - 3rd Sequence: Super-powered triple shot. Enemies hit by shells of the 2nd and 3rd charge sequences will suffer 40% slower Move and Attack Speed for 7.0s.
VN Name: Nõ Lá Dong
Description: The Chinese would offer sticky rice dumplings to their ancestors and the gods, so using them to kill undead zombies is quite interesting, to say the least. Oh, and its quite effective as well.