Hits from an enemy with a Sakura Brand have a 40% chance of dealing 80% less Physical DMG and stunning the attacker for 1s. One Slash also gains 35% Crit DMG
Basic ATKs (including Charged and Combo ATKs) against enemies marked by Sakura Brand deal another 50% ATK of Physical DMG. CD: 1s. 20% chance to deal an equal amount of Physical DMG to nearby enemies. One Slash also gains 10% Total DMG Multiplier.
For each enemy with Sakura Brand, gain 7% Total DMG Multiplier. Stacks up to 5 times. One Slash also gains 5% Crit Rate.
Set 2
Gain 20% Max HP in battle. Attacks against enemies marked by Sakura Brand deal 30% more Physical DMG.

Set 3
Upon killing an elite, heals the host for 30% HP. CD: 10s.

VN Name: Yae Sakura
