Gains 30% Physical DMG. When entering global Time Fracture, the host gains 20.0% Attack Speed for 4s.
Activates at below 20% HP. Heals the host for 800 HP. CD: 30s.
Gain 10% Crit Rate. Charged ATK bleed the target and nearby enemies in a small AOE to inflict 400 Physical DMG every 0.5s for 3s. CD: 9.0s.
Set 2
If the host takes DMG exceeding 15% Max HP within a short time, then enter Potential Mode to gain 30% Total DMG Multiplier for 5s. CD: 12s.

Set 3
Gain 50% Crit DMG. Extends duration of Potential Mode by 2s.

VN Name: Wilde
