After exit, team gains 10% Physical DMG (effect cannot stack). When on the field, the host gains 15% Physical DMG and 20% faster Attack Speed
After exit, allies gain 15% Lightning DMG Resistance and attacks deal 15% more Lightning DMG (effect cannot stack). When on the field, the host takes 25% less Physical DMG from enemy hits.
After exit, team gains 10% Move Speed (effect cannot stack). When on the field, the host gains 35% Lightning DMG and 10% Move Speed.
Set 2
Every Basic ATK (including Charged and Combo ATKs) grants 1 Accord Charge stack (CD: 1s). After gaining 4 Accord Charge stacks, reset stacks to zero and unleash Chain Lightning that attacks 4 random targets, paralyzing them for 5 sec and dealing 600% ATK of Lightning DMG to the first target, with each leap dealing 20% less total Lightning DMG to enemies. Chain lightning does not hit the same target twice. CD: 15s.

Set 3
Gain 20% Max HP and 40% Lightning DMG in battle. Lightning DMG dealt by Chain Lightning no longer decays with each leap.

VN Name: Tesla-Band
