Gain 25% Melee Physical DMG. Against enemies knocked airborne, deal an additional 20% Physical DMG.
Take 30% less All Elemental DMG and gain a 20% chance to ignore debuffs.
Upon an Ultimate Evasion, gain 1 Charge that grants an additional 35% Total DMG multiplier to the next attack and 5s afterwards. CD: 1.5s.
Set 2
Mei or Yae Sakura equip bonus: Each repeated hit on the same target (resets if no attacks occur in 2.5s) boosts the next hit by 3% Crit Rate (max 15%) and 8% Crit DMG (max 40%) per hit.

Set 3
When character is deployed and above 60% HP, enemy suffers 15% Total DMG Reduction to their attack and 10% more Total DMG Multiplier in damage taken. Effect cannot stack.

VN Name: Sirin
