When Max SP is 150 or higher in battle, gain 6% Physical DMG for every 20 additional SP. Stacks up to 6 times.
When Max SP is 150 or higher in battle, take 5% less Physical DMG from enemy attacks for every 20 additional SP. Stacks up to 6 times.
When Max SP is 150 or higher in battle, gain 4% Attack Speed for every 20 additional SP. Stacks up to 6 times.
Set 2
Gain 30% Move Speed. Teleports to a random nearby area when hit by an enemy. CD: 10.0s.

Set 3
For a 3s period after using Ultimate or weapon skill with Direct DMG abilities, empower Skill DMG based on remaining SP percentage, gaining 15% Total DMG Multiplier for every remaining 20% of SP.

VN Name: Seele Vollerei
