For the host and units summoned by the host: Attacks gain 20% Physical DMG. Attacks against impaired enemies further gain 12% Physical DMG.
Upon entering battle, generate a Grace Shield. When taking enemy hits, take 400 less Physical DMG. Shield then disappears and enters a CD of 6s. While the Grace Shield is active, the host takes 30% less Indirect Physical DMG.
For every impaired enemy on the battlefield, the host gains 6% Attack Speed and 5% Crit DMG. Stacks up to 4 times.
Set 2
Spend at least 15, 70, and 125 SP at once to gain 8%, 15%, and 22% Total DMG Multiplier respectively for the entire team. Lasts 7s. Effect cannot stack.

Set 3
When hitting an impaired enemy, the host heals 8% HP and gains 5% SP. CD: 8s.

VN Name: Kallen-Hymn
