Gain 46% Melee Physical DMG. When hit by enemies 2 times, impose a 10.0s CD for this buff.
Upon being hit and injured by an enemy, gain 41% Move Speed and a shield that absorbs 21% Max HP worth of incoming DMG. Shield duration: 4.0s. CD: 15s.
Attacks on the enemy initiates Challenge Mode that lasts 5.0s. During Challenge Mode, attacks gain 41% Total DMG Multiplier but hits taken also gain 31%. CD: 10s.
Set 2
Basic/Combo/Charged ATKs have a 10% chance to inflict one of the following debuffs: Paralyze (with 3 Paralyze Trauma), Freeze (with 3 Rime Trauma), Stun (with 3 Stun Trauma), Slow, Ignite (with 3 Ignite Trauma), Impair, and Weaken. Slow, Ignite, Impair, and Weaken last for 10s while Paralyze, Freeze, and Stun last for 5s. CD: 2.0s.

Set 3
For every 1.0s, Basic ATK (including Combo and Charged ATKs) gains 20% Total DMG Multiplier. Stacks up to 5 times. Attacking resets the buff and initiates a 7s CD.

VN Name: Isaac Newton
