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Stop updating from June 9, 2024

Aspiration Lauded by Stars Total DMG increases by 16.0%. Lightning DMG from Basic/Combo/Charged ATKs increases by 50.0%. Ultimate Evasion Skill CD shortened by 20.0%.

Walk Alone Among Thorns In Herrscher form, after Combo ATK hits, deal 30.0% more Lightning DMG for 10s; retriggering refreshes duration. In Herrscher form, take 20.0% less DMG. After casting weapon active, reduces weapon active CD by 40.0%; CD: 15s.

Look Back to Yesterday Deal 12.0% more Total DMG. Triggering Time-frozen Domain restores 3.0 SP, CD: 3s, and makes all enemies take 8.0% more Total DMG for 7s, can stack 3 times. Triggering it again refreshes its duration.
Set 2
Path Set Against Odds In Herrscher form, Basic/Combo/Charged ATKs deal 35.0% more Lightning DMG. Triggering Time-frozen Domain generates Thunderfall, making all enemies take 8.0% more Elemental DMG for 7s, can stack 3 times. This effect is independent and triggering it again refreshes its duration.Set 3
Sword Held Against Fate All enemies take 20.0% more Lightning DMG from the character's Basic/Combo/Charged ATK (independent and exclusive). After any team member casts Joint Bursting in Herrscher form, all enemies enter Listen Well state for 10s (retriggering refreshes duration), which makes them take 15.0% more Total DMG (exclusive). Additionally, after such enemies are hit by the character's Combo ATK 5 times, they take 21.0% more Total DMG for 10s (exclusive; retriggering refreshes duration). Exit clears the counter.VN Name: Raiden Mei
CN Name: 雷电芽衣