Host deals 20.0% bonus Physical Damage and after landing a Charged ATK, she deals 30.0% bonus Crit DMG for 4s (can be stacked).
Host deals 20.0% bonus Total DMG and against single enemies, she deals 20.0% bonus Crit DMG.
Host has 15.0% bonus Crit Rate. Every attack against the same target deals 3% more Physical DMG (15% max). Reset if no attacks in 10s or target changes.
Set 2
When charged ATKs hit, if there is more than one enemy within 8m, host deals 45.0% bonus Total DMG for 8s.

Set 3
Charged ATKs deals 200.0% ATK of bonus Physical DMG, CD: 6s. Asuka equip bonus: Charged ATKs deal 40.0% bonus Physical DMG and enhanced form, the CD drop to 3s.

VN Name: Asuka (C) / Rei (T) / Mari (H)

CN Name: 适格者

Note: [Children Set] "Honkai Impact 3rd" x "Evangelion" Collaboration in v4.5. Columbus will replace this set in v4.6+