When an enemy scores a melee ATK hit, reduce Physical DMG of said ATK by 500 and paralyze said enemy for 4.0s. Effect triggers once every 10.0s.
Casting weapon skill gives the host a 8.00% Indirect Physical DMG reduction buff. Max stacks: 4. DMG reduction lasts the entire battle but taking a hit removes all stacks.
Switching heals self for 20.00% Max HP. CD: 30.0s.
Set 2
After casting the Ultimate, next team member switching in gains a 10% Total DMG Multiplier buff (does not stack) for 10s. CD: 30s.

Set 3
After casting the Ultimate, next team member switching in gains a 30% Indirect DMG reduction buff (does not stack) for 10s and heals for 10% Max HP. CD: 30s.

VN Name: Tchaikovsky

CN Name: 柴可夫斯基
