Gain 15% Lightning DMG. Gain 1 charge every 6s. The next Basic ATK (including Combo and Charged ATKs) deals an additional 120% Lightning DMG.
Gain 10% Lightning DMG. Create a shield every 6s. The shield absorbs 105 Physical DMG from the next enemy ATK taken.
Entities summoned by the host gain 30% Total DMG Multiplier. Charges once every 6s. The next Basic ATK (including Combo and Charged ATKs) inflicts 30% Move Slow on the enemy for 4s.
Set 2
Gain 1 charge every 12 sec. Next Basic ATK (including Combo and Charged ATK) gains 50% Total DMG Multiplier. Host also gains 15% Total DMG Multiplier for 6s.

Set 3
Gain 25% Lightning DMG.

VN Name: Edison

CN Name: 爱迪生
